
ECRE is currently working on redeveloping the website. Visitors can still access the database and search for asylum-related judgments up until 2021.

  • UK: Appeal judgment in the case of Othman (Abu Qatada)

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The Court of Appeal has dismissed the appeal of the Secretary of State for the Home Department against the decision of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) which held that Mr. Othman should not be deported to stand trial in Jordan. Three months after the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights holding that the deportation of Mr.

  • ECtHR decision in R.J. v France, Application No. 10466/11, 19 September 2013

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The applicant is a Tamil from Sri Lanka who sought asylum in France on 2nd February 2011. He claims that he was persecuted by the Sri Lankan authorities because of his origin and his political activities in support of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). He also claims that, while acting as treasurer of a trade union, he paid part of its assets to the LTTE. He was arrested by the authorities and, he claims, subjected to physical abuse while in detention.

  • Amnesty International: Human Rights Abuses on Greek-Turkish Border

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    Amnesty International published a report on Greece’s practice of “pushing back” intercepted migrants to Turkey. In 2012, the Greek-Turkish border saw the highest number of irregular entries into the EU out of all the EU’s external borders. Many of those crossing the border are nationals from unstable countries like Afghanistan and Syria. Amnesty’s research shows that some, who are able to cross the border into Greece are sometimes pushed straight back to Turkey in violation of international law without the chance to apply for asylum in Greece.

  • Opinion of Advocate General Wathelet in the case C-534/11, Arslan, 31 January 2013

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The main proceedings concern a Turkish national who entered Czech territory irregularly and was placed in detention for 60 days. Mr. Arslan presented an asylum application and announced his intention to exhaust every remedy against an eventual negative decision. A few weeks later, his detention was extended for another 120 days. Mr.

  • Eurostat: Asylum decisions in the 27 EU Member States granted protection to 84 100 asylum seekers in 2011

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, published on 19/06/2012 a press release announcing the publication of statistics on results of asylum decisions in the 27 European Union (EU27) member states. These statistics were published on the occasion of the World Refugee Day on 20 June 2012.

  • CJEU Judgment in case C-648/11, MA, BT and DA v Secretary of State of the Home Department, 6 June 2013

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    (Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 - Determining the Member State responsible - Unaccompanied minor - Successive applications for asylum lodged in two Member States - Absence of a member of the family of the minor in the territory of a Member State - Second paragraph of Article 6 of Regulation No 343/2003 - Transfer of the minor to the Member State in which he lodged his first application - Compatibility - Child's best interests - Article 24(2) of the Charter)

    Facts of the case


  • Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, has released her activity report, covering a time span from August 2012 until February 2013. The report will be put to the Human Rights Council during its next session. The report comprises a thematic analysis of the integration of a human rights-based approach in measures to discourage the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation of persons and which leads to human trafficking.

  • The International Association of Refugee Law Judges: a guide on the assessment of credibility in international protection procedures

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ) released guidance for the assessment of credibility in international protection claims under the Qualification Directive. The paper first explains the legal and historic background of asylum assessment and the international and EU legal frameworks of international protection and then proposes an outline for the credibility of assessment in different stages. Drawing from European and international best practice, it also sets out criteria and standards for the assessment of credibility.

  • European Commission: new proposal for the regulation of operations of surveillance of external sea borders coordinated by Frontex

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The European Commission has presented its new proposal for a Regulation concerning operations coordinated by Frontex for the surveillance of external sea borders. In 2012, the CJEU annulled the previous decision regulating this issue (Decision 2010/252/EU) after an action brought by the European Parliament, who considered that it had been adopted through an inappropriate procedure. The new proposal replaces the annulled decision.

  • ECtHR decision in Butt v. Norway (no. 47017/09) [Article 8]

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The applicants are two siblings who are Pakistani nationals. They had come to Norway with their mother in 1989 and they were granted residence permits on humanitarian grounds. In 1999 their permits were withdrawn on account of the fact that they had returned to Pakistan between 1992 and 1996 without notifying it to the Norwegian immigration authorities, and they were refused further residence in Norway. The two applicants were minors at the time.


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