Kim v Russia (Application no. 25036/20) The case concerns the applicant’s alleged unlawful detention in Russia pending his administrative removal. The applicant complains that his detention was unlawful under Article 5 and 5 § 1(f) ECHR.
On 24 August 2020, a Tribunal in The Hague annulled the refusal of the Dutch State Secretary of Justice and Security to issue a residence permit to a stateless individual coming from the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).
On 31 July 2020, the Constitutional Court published its judgment (No. 186/2020) concerning the refusal to allow individuals waiting for a final decision on their asylum status to register their residence with the local municipality.
N.K. v Russia (Application No. 62812/19): The applicant is an Uzbek national residing in Russia with his family on a temporary residence permit. In 2018, the applicant and his family attempted to enter Russia after travelling to Kazakhstan. While his family were allowed to enter, he was denied re-entry and was informed that he was subject to exclusion from entering the territory and was banned for 19 years. No further explanation was given.
On 30 July 2020, the Committee against Torture published its views in Z.K. and A.K. v Switzerland (No. 698/2015) on the removal of the complainants to Russia.
On 28 July 2020, the European Court of Human Rights published its judgment in Pormes v The Netherlands (Application No. 25402/14) concerning the refusal to grant a residence permit to an Indonesian national.
A.B. v Italy (Application No. 13755/18): The applicant is a Tunisian national who was transferred to the Hotspot of Lampedusa after arriving in Italy. He was later transferred to Palermo before being returned to his country of origin. In March 2018, he returned to Italy and was transferred to a centre for migrants after stating that he wanted to make an application for international protection. He complains under, inter alia, Article 3 and 5(1) and 5(4) ECHR.
On 23 July 2020, the European Court of Human Rights published its judgment in M.K. and Others v Poland (Application Nos. 40503/17, 42902/17, 43643/17) concerning the repeated refusal of Polish border authorities to examine applications for international protection.
On 17 July 2020, the Human Rights Committee published its views in R.M. and F.M. v Denmark (No. 2685/2015) concerning the deportation of a husband and wife and their children to Afghanistan.