ECRE is currently working on redeveloping the website. Visitors can still access the database and search for asylum-related judgments up until 2021.
EDAL resources
EDAL Resources cover the following categories:
Case Law
This section generally contains judgments which are cited in the summaries and/or appear in the ELENA Legal Update (it does not contain EDAL case summaries but original judgments with a brief description of the case in English).
Here you will find resources from United Nations, Council of Europe bodies, NGOs and international and national organisations dealing with asylum and human rights issues which could be relevant to decision makers and legal practitioners.
This section contains national legislation, European instruments and international instruments dealing with asylum topics.
The national legislation refers to the main legislative acts relevant to asylum procedures, reception conditions, qualification and detention. It does not specify the implementing guidelines specific to these legislative acts. For more information on this please see the Asylum Information Database (AIDA). Where possible the national legislation refers to both the text in the original language as well as an English language version. To access the original language versions click on "Languages" on the right hand side.
Both the European and international instruments cover the most pertinent pieces of legislation relation to asylum, refugee law and international human rights law.
Country Overview
The Country Overviews for Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom have been taken from the Asylum Information Database (AIDA). The reports cover asylum procedures, reception conditions and detention of asylum seekers and are regularly updated. AIDA is a project of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), in partnership with Forum Refugiés-Cosi, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and the Irish Refugee Council.
EDAL Country Overviews for the Czech Republic, Finland, Slovenia, Slovakia and Spain were prepared by the National Experts who completed the Case Summaries with the input of the ELENA national coordinators. The overviews provide information on the legal framework of the relevant countries asylum system.
Support documents
This section contains documentation setting out how EDAL case summaries are identified and created and on the Database's keywords.
About Resources
EDAL Resources can also be accessed by using the filters visible on the right which are categorised according to the following headings:
- Filter by resource category
- Filter by resource keyword
- Filter by resource country
- Filter by resource date
Resources listed on EDAL are not exhaustive, we aim to build on the content and promote and share new resources as they become available.
Filter by resource category:
- Documentation 193
- Case Law 186
- Legislation 89
- Country Overview 22
- Support Documents 4
Filter by keywords:
- Reception conditions; general rights and entitlements 24
- Permissions, Transfers, Returns and Family Reunification 21
- Procedural rights and safeguards 20
- Assessment of Application 8
- Admissibility of applications; Exclusion from, cessation of and withdrawal of protection or protection status 7
- Elements of Proof 7
- Forms of and Reasons for Persecution and Serious Harm 7
- Elements of Protection Definition 6
Filter by resource country:
- Belgium 52
- United Kingdom 36
- Greece 34
- Ireland 26
- Hungary 14
- Spain 14
- Germany 13
- Italy 11
- Netherlands 11
- Turkey 11
- Sweden 10
- France 9
- Afghanistan 8
- Austria 7
- Somalia 6
- Poland 5
- Czech Republic 4
- Finland 4
- Russia 4
- Serbia 4
- Canada 3
- Denmark 3
- Malta 3
- Slovenia 3
- Sri Lanka 3
- Switzerland 3
- Bulgaria 2
- Colombia 2
- Congo (DRC) 2
- Cyprus 2
- Iraq 2
- Kosovo 2
- Luxembourg 2
- Slovakia 2
- Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
- Burundi 1
- Cambodia 1
- Eritrea 1
- Gambia 1
- India 1
- Ivory Coast 1
- Libya 1
- Macedonia 1
- Mauritania 1
- New Zealand 1
- Pakistan 1
- Portugal 1
- South Sudan 1
- Sudan 1
- United States 1
Filter by resource date:
- 2023 6
- 2022 7
- 2021 6
- 2020 7
- 2019 26
- 2018 32
- 2017 21
- 2016 47
- 2015 100
- 2014 78
- 2013 20
- 2012 7
- 2011 18
- 2010 21
- 2009 16
- 2008 12
- 2007 17
- 2006 6
- 2005 11
- 2004 12
- 2003 9
- 2002 8
- 2001 5
- 2000 8
- 1999 6
- 1998 4
- 1997 2
- 1996 3
- 1995 2
- 1994 2
- 1993 1
- 1992 1
- 1991 1
- 1989 1
- 1988 1
- 1987 2
- 1984 1
- 1980 1
- 1979 1
- 1978 2
- 1976 1
- 1974 1
- 1971 1
- 1967 1
- 1960 1
- 1954 1
- 1953 1
- 1951 1
- 1949 1
- 1948 2