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Home ›ECtHR Krasniqi v. Austria (no. 41697/12)

Every country has the right to control the entry and residence of aliens in its territory. Withdrawal of subsidiary protection from individuals convicted of serious crimes and subsequent expulsion does not violate their right to family life under Article 8, when there are alternative means of communication, non-severed cultural ties with the motherland and a reasonable prospect of return after the entry ban expiry.
The Applicant is a married Kosovar national, father of four, living with his family in Austria. All of them are beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and hold a temporary residence permit, which has been extended several times. From 2003 onwards the Applicant was convicted nine times for crimes against lifeand property and received sentences including imprisonment, which resulted in the withdrawal of his subsidiary protection by the authorities. The Applicant was ultimately expelled to Kosovo and an entry ban was issued against him.
The Applicant challenged the authorities’ decisions before the ECtHR claiming infringement upon his rights to private and family life under Article 8 ECHR because he had been living in the country for a considerable period and he was both socially and economically integrated there. Furthermore, he alleged that his expulsion would deprive him of the possibility to provide for his family still living in Austria and complained that even if his family would join him in Kosovo, one of his daughters would not because she is the fruit of an extra-marital relationship and lives with her mother.
The Court held that there had been no violation of Article 8 ECHR. It was explained that the frequency of the Applicant’s criminal behavior proved his indifference toward the host country’s legal system and already disrupted his family life by being receiving several imprisonment sentences. It further highlighted every state’s right to control the entry and residence of aliens in its territory.
The Court did not question the issue that emerged in relation with the Applicant’s daughter in question but it stated that the applicant had not substantiated how established his relationship with that daughter was and the reasons why their contact would have been too difficult. It further suggested the existence of alternative means of contact applicable to his daughter and the rest of his family in Austria, which had never been contested by the Applicant.
Taking into consideration the fact that both the Applicant and his wife still had ties with Kosovo, spoke the language, the fact that the Applicant was allowed to return to Austria in less than 5 years after the expulsion and Kosovo being safe enough for his wife and family to visit or move with him, as per the Applicant’s own statement, the Court found the expulsion not having seriously affected the Applicant’s rights as to constitute a violation of Article 8 ECHR.
No violation of Article 8 ECHR.
This summary was completed by Odyssefs Platonas, LLM student at Queen Mary University.
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