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The CJEU found that the judge assigned to rule upon the applicant’s detention should have transmitted his request for international protection to the competent authority so it could be registered, and the applicant could enjoy his rights provided by Directive 2013/33. It also found that he should not have been detained since he was protected by his applicant for international protection’s status under Directives 2013/33 and 2013/32.
The right to be heard (Art. 103 par. 1 German Basic Law - Grundgesetz) guarantees every party access to all documents relevant for the decision, which includes status reports on the applicant’s country of origin in asylum cases.
The right to be heard also guarantees that the court takes all information and evidence into account presented by the applicant. § 74 Abs. 2 Asylum Act (Asylgesetz) limits the time period in which an applicant may present information and evidence to one month, however this only refers to information and...
Belgium - X v. Commissioner-General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, 26 November 2019, N° 229 288
The applicants’ personal circumstances and the general conditions in the country of origin have to be taken into account, when assessing whether an internal flight alternative exists. Relevant sources like the UNHCR guidelines have to be used. Otherwise this constitutes a significant procedural error.
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- group persecution
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- Membership of a particular social group 151
- Persecution Grounds/Reasons 123
- Credibility assessment 66
- Gender Based Persecution 51
- Internal protection 51
- Refugee Status 49
- Country of origin information 47
- Non-state actors/agents of persecution 47
- Persecution (acts of) 44
- Assessment of facts and circumstances 43
- Well-founded fear 39
- Subsidiary Protection 36
- Political Opinion 33
- Actor of persecution or serious harm 32
- Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 32
- Previous persecution 31
- Real risk 31
- Sexual orientation 28
- Discrimination 27
- Religion 27
- Burden of proof 24
- Standard of proof 24
- Actors of protection 23
- Protection 23
- Personal circumstances of applicant 21
- Relevant Facts 19
- Individual assessment 17
- Indiscriminate violence 15
- Individual threat 15
- Internal armed conflict 13
- Obligation to give reasons 13
- Procedural guarantees 13
- Race 13
- Relevant Documentation 13
- Child Specific Considerations 12
- Effective remedy (right to) 12
- Serious harm 12
- Armed conflict 11
- Medical Reports/Medico-legal Reports 10
- Refugee sur place 10
- Unaccompanied minor 10
- Female genital mutilation 9
- Humanitarian considerations 9
- Personal interview 9
- Safe country of origin 9
- Torture 9
- Best interest of the child 7
- Country of origin 7
- Exclusion from protection 7
- Non-refoulement 7
- Subsequent application 7
- Detention 6
- Safe third country 6
- Trafficking in human beings 6
- Duty of applicant 5
- Family unity (right to) 5
- Legal assistance / Legal representation / Legal aid 5
- Manifestly unfounded application 5
- Access to the labour market 4
- Acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN 4
- Effective access to procedures 4
- Nationality 4
- Terrorism 4
- Benefit of doubt 3
- Circumstances ceased to exist 3
- Crime against humanity 3
- Family member 3
- Final decision 3
- Reception conditions 3
- Vulnerable person 3
- Accelerated procedure 2
- Accommodation centre 2
- Death penalty / Execution 2
- Dependant (Dependent person) 2
- International armed conflict 2
- Obligation/Duty to cooperate 2
- Return 2
- Revocation of protection status 2
- Right to remain pending a decision (Suspensive effect) 2
- Serious non-political crime 2
- Stateless person 2
- War crimes 2
- Country of former habitual residence 1
- Dublin Transfer 1
- Education (right to) 1
- Family reunification 1
- First country of asylum 1
- Health (right to) 1
- Inadmissible application 1
- Indirect refoulement 1
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Filter by country of applicant
- Afghanistan 24
- Iraq 22
- Iran 19
- Nigeria 19
- Russia 18
- Somalia 11
- Colombia 8
- Pakistan 8
- Guinea 7
- Russia (Chechnya) 7
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- Algeria 6
- Sudan 6
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- United States 1
- Unknown 1
- Vietnam 1