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Excerpt: right to)
Gender Based Persecution
Inhuman or degrading treatment … punishment
Membership of a particular social groupPersecution Grounds/Reasons
Real … misguided practices. The fear of persecution was based on membership …
Country of Decision: Greece
Country of Applicant: Iran
Keywords: Death penalty / Execution, Dependant (Dependent person), Discrimination, Family unity (right to), Gender Based Persecution, Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Membership of a particular social group, Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Protection, Real risk, Refugee Status, Torture, Well-founded fear
This was an appeal against the rejection of an application for asylum before the Appeal Committees formed pursuant to Articles 26 and 32 of Presidential Decree 114/2010; and against the Minister for Citizen Protection's decisions 5401/3-498356 dated 11.2.2011 and 4000/1/67-f dated 18.5.2011. The rejection of the application (and the legal consequences arising from the rejection) was an excusable error, due to the body issuing the decision having adopted misguided practices. The fear of persecution was based on membership of a particular social group....
Date: 26-06-2011
Excerpt: Persecution Grounds/Reasons
Membership … Grounds/Reasons
Membership of a particular social group
Actor ofpersecution or serious harm
Actors of … assessment
Gender Based Persecution
Internal protection
Non-state …
Country of Decision: Germany
Country of Applicant: Afghanistan
Keywords: Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Membership of a particular social group, Actor of persecution or serious harm, Actors of protection, Assessment of facts and circumstances, Credibility assessment, Gender Based Persecution, Internal protection, Non-state actors/agents of persecution
The applicant was recognised as a refugee because of a threat of forced marriage in Afghanistan. The court found that rights violations resulting from forced marriage, including the use of physical and psychological violence, constitute severe violations of basic human rights according to Art. 9 (1) (b) of the Qualification Directive. The applicant belonged to the particular social group of "unmarried women from families whose traditional self-image demands a forced marriage." The Afghan State is neither willing nor able to protect women against persecution...
Date: 16-06-2011
Excerpt: Persecution Grounds/Reasons
Membership … Grounds/Reasons
Membership of a particular social group
Subsidiary Protection
Gender … Protection
Gender Based Persecution …
Country of Decision: Germany
Country of Applicant: Afghanistan
Keywords: Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Membership of a particular social group, Subsidiary Protection, Gender Based Persecution
It is in principle possible for men to be persecuted on account of their gender. However, classifying the punishment for extramarital sex in Afghanistan as persecution on account of both membership of the group of men and the group of women would cover the entire society and renders the definition meaningless. Therefore, the applicant was not granted refugee status but his deportation was prohibited under Section 60 (2) of the Residence Act / Art 15 (b) of the Qualification Directive.
Date: 09-06-2011
Excerpt: Persecution Grounds/Reasons
Membership … Grounds/Reasons
Membership of a particular social group
Actors of protection
Credibility … assessment
Gender Based Persecution
Internal protection
Non-state …
Country of Decision: Belgium
Country of Applicant: Niger
Keywords: Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Membership of a particular social group, Actors of protection, Credibility assessment, Gender Based Persecution, Internal protection, Non-state actors/agents of persecution, Persecution (acts of)
This case concerned the assessment of the risk of being subjected to slavery on return. The CALL held that slavery is sufficiently grave by its nature to constitute persecution. The Court further added that the prohibition of slavery is an absolute and non-derogable right and that slaves can be considered as a particular social group.
Date: 09-06-2011
Excerpt: rship of a particular social group
Country of origin
Country … of a well-founded fear of persecution based on the applicant facing … FGM) on return to Somalia (persecution ground: membership of a particular …
Country of Decision: Belgium
Country of Applicant: Somalia
Keywords: Membership of a particular social group, Country of origin, Country of former habitual residence, Credibility assessment
Refugee status was granted on the basis of a well-founded fear of persecution based on the applicant facing a second act of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on return to Somalia (persecution ground: membership of a particular social group).
Date: 19-05-2011
Excerpt: Persecution Grounds/Reasons
Membership … Grounds/Reasons
Membership of a particular social group
Assessment of facts and … assessment
Gender Based Persecution
Female genital mutilation …
Country of Decision: Belgium
Country of Applicant: Guinea
Keywords: Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Membership of a particular social group, Assessment of facts and circumstances, Credibility assessment, Gender Based Persecution, Female genital mutilation
The CALL held that the examination of credibility should not overshadow the actual question of whether the applicant has reasons to fear persecution. In this case, refugee status was granted on the basis of a well-founded fear of persecution, by way of a forced marriage and a second excision (Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)).
Date: 29-04-2011
Excerpt: Gender Based Persecution
Membership of a particular … rship of a particular social groupPersecution Grounds/Reasons
Trafficking … from these networks, form a group whose members are, by reason …
Country of Decision: France
Country of Applicant: Nigeria
Keywords: Gender Based Persecution, Membership of a particular social group, Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Trafficking in human beings
Prostitutes who come from the State of Edo, and who are both victims of human trafficking and anxious to extricate themselves actively from these networks, form a group whose members are, by reason of these two common characteristics which define them, likely to be subjected to persecution within the meaning of Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Refugee Convention, without being able to avail themselves of the protection of the Nigerian authorities. They are members of a particular social group.
Date: 29-04-2011
Excerpt: Persecution Grounds/Reasons
Credibility … was the only person in the group who was born a Muslim. One …
Country of Decision: Sweden
Country of Applicant: Iran
Keywords: Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Religion, Credibility assessment
This case concerned the risk that Christian converts face in Iran. The applicants, from Iran, were granted a residence permit and refugee status because their Christian belief came to the Iranian authorities' attention.
Date: 27-04-2011
Excerpt: Persecution Grounds/Reasons
Membership … Grounds/Reasons
Membership of a particular social group
Actor ofpersecution or serious harm
Armed conflict
Benefit … assessment
Gender Based Persecution
Internal protection
Refugee …
Country of Decision: Sweden
Country of Applicant: Somalia
Keywords: Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Membership of a particular social group, Actor of persecution or serious harm, Armed conflict, Benefit of doubt, Credibility assessment, Gender Based Persecution, Internal protection, Refugee Status, Well-founded fear
The case concerned a Somali woman who was granted refugee status on the grounds that she faced a risk of gender-related persecution on return. The applicant's male relatives threatened to kill her as she had given birth to an illegitimate child. The Migration Court of Appeal found that there was no internal protection alternative available to the applicant.
Date: 21-04-2011
Excerpt: Persecution Grounds/Reasons
Membership … Grounds/Reasons
Membership of a particular social group
Credibility assessment
Gender … assessment
Gender Based Persecution
Internal protection
Non-state …
Country of Decision: Germany
Country of Applicant: Algeria
Keywords: Persecution Grounds/Reasons, Membership of a particular social group, Credibility assessment, Gender Based Persecution, Internal protection, Non-state actors/agents of persecution, Previous persecution, Personal circumstances of applicant
Refugee status was granted to an Algerian woman who was at risk of forced marriage due to membership of a particular social group.
Date: 13-04-2011
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- group persecution
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- Membership of a particular social group 151
- Persecution Grounds/Reasons 123
- Credibility assessment 66
- Gender Based Persecution 51
- Internal protection 51
- Refugee Status 49
- Country of origin information 47
- Non-state actors/agents of persecution 47
- Persecution (acts of) 44
- Assessment of facts and circumstances 43
- Well-founded fear 39
- Subsidiary Protection 36
- Political Opinion 33
- Actor of persecution or serious harm 32
- Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 32
- Previous persecution 31
- Real risk 31
- Sexual orientation 28
- Discrimination 27
- Religion 27
- Burden of proof 24
- Standard of proof 24
- Actors of protection 23
- Protection 23
- Personal circumstances of applicant 21
- Relevant Facts 19
- Individual assessment 17
- Indiscriminate violence 15
- Individual threat 15
- Internal armed conflict 13
- Obligation to give reasons 13
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- Child Specific Considerations 12
- Effective remedy (right to) 12
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- Armed conflict 11
- Medical Reports/Medico-legal Reports 10
- Refugee sur place 10
- Unaccompanied minor 10
- Female genital mutilation 9
- Humanitarian considerations 9
- Personal interview 9
- Safe country of origin 9
- Torture 9
- Best interest of the child 7
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- Exclusion from protection 7
- Non-refoulement 7
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- Safe third country 6
- Trafficking in human beings 6
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- Family unity (right to) 5
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- Death penalty / Execution 2
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- Country of former habitual residence 1
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- Afghanistan 24
- Iraq 22
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